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      Home Remedies for Unwanted Facial Hair

      Unwanted Facial is something every 3 out 4 women has to deal with. In medical terms, this problem is named as hirsutism. Unwanted Facial Hair becomes a big issue for almost every woman out there, when it comes to beauty concern. I mean we all have such a beautiful face, but having hair on it doesn’t make it look any better. Moreover, tweezing them doesn’t make things any easier instead it worsens the situation and it’s painful too. But, today we are here with some natural ways to get rid of unwanted facial hair. Want to know what are they? Come and read with us “Home Remedies for Unwanted Facial Hair”

      #1. Papaya

      Papaya is an ingredient to get rid of unwanted facial hair. It helps you to lighten facial hair as it works as a natural bleach. All you need to do it mix raw papaya pulp with 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder. Once you have mixed it well, apply it on your face and gently rub it. Then wait for 15 – 20 minutes and rinse it off with water. If you don’t want to use turmeric, you can make use of 1 tbsp of milk, mix it well with papaya pulp and keep it for 10 minutes and wash it off.

      #2. Lentil (Masoor Daal)

      Pack made from masoor daal act as a great scrub and helps you to get rid of unwanted facial hair. You just need to Grind masoor daal until to get a fine powder. Now in a bowl add 2 tbsp of masoor daal powder and enough milk or honey to make a paste. Once the paste is ready, allow 15 minutes and then you can store it in an airtight container. Apply the paste on your face and wait for 15 to 20 minutes, and then scrub the paste off gently. Do it 2-3 times in a week, for dry skin using it once a week is enough. You may also like 10 Facts About the Female Body Very Few People Know

      #3. Lemon Juice and Honey

      Honey and Lemon Juice have a lot of benefits and one of them is to remove facial hair. Lemon juice work as a great exfoliator for skin and honey is the best ingredient to keep your skin hydrated and soft too. Also, lemon juice bleaching property will help you to lighten the unwanted facial hair. Just mix 4 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of lemon juice, apply it to your face and wait for 15 – 20 minutes. Now remove it using a cloth soaked in lukewarm water very gently. Do it twice a week. You may also like Tips for Boys to Attract Their Crush

      #4. Honey and Sugar

      Honey and Sugar, when mixed together, make a great peel off mask, which instantly removes all the unwanted facial hair and not only this it also exfoliated your dead skin cell. In a bowl add honey (1 tbsp), sugar (2 tbsp), and water (1 tbsp). Now microwave the mixture for at least 30 minutes or until the sugar mix well. Now apply it to the required area and place a strip of cloth over it, wait for a sec and pull up the strip, in the opposite direction in which your facial hair grows. You can use it anytime to want to get rid of unwanted facial hair on an instant basis or any other time you want.

      #5. Lavender oil and tea tree oil

      Tea Tree Oil and Lavender Oil both contain anti-androgenic properties which help you in removing unwanted facial hair. Mix lavender oil (1 tsp) with tea tree oil ( 4-6 drops) and apply it to your face using a cotton ball. Do it 2-3 times a day regularly for 3 months straight for better results. You may also like THINGS MEN SECRETLY ADMIRE ABOUT WOMEN BODY

      These were “Home Remedies for Unwanted Facial Hair”. Before applying any of these on your face, do go for a patch test. These are a completely natural way to get rid of unwanted natural hair. You’ll get results from these home remedies but you have to keep your patience and keep doing the same until you see a difference. Also, do mention in the comment section how much “Home Remedies for Unwanted Facial Hair” helped you.

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