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      20 Most Mysterious Places in India

      ‘It happens Only in India…’

      We’ve often heard people saying India is a land of Mysteries but ever wondered where this saying came from? Well, we’ve finally got an answer for you! India truly has zillions of secrets buried deep inside its most bizarre of places, that either leave people wide eyed with shock or freak them out when they learn about them. From hills that pull cars up to motorbikes that are worshiped, India is home to the most unusual of places. We’ve listed some of those mysterious places in India here to tell you of the wonders this amazing country holds. So take a look at 20 Most Mysterious Places in India:

      #1. The Hanging Pillar at Lepakshi, Andhra Pradesh

      An important archaeological and historical site in India, Lepakshi is known for its architecture and painting. This temple dedicated to Lord Shiva is among the most mysterious places in India, owing to its famous floating pillar.

      The Mystery: Among the 70 pillars at the site, one is hanging in mid-air, that is, it exists without a support. People come to the temple and pass objects under the pillar, believing it’ll bring prosperity into their lives!

      #2. The Magnetic Hill of Leh, Ladakh

      The enchanting hills of Ladakh have more than mere beauty to offer. The Magnetic Hill, located at an altitude of 11,000 feet above sea level is one of the most unusual places to visit in India.

      The Mystery: Cars driving up the hill get pulled up of their own accord. That is, one can drive up here with the ignition of their vehicles turned off!

      #3. The Mini Desert at Talakad, Karnataka

      Located on the banks of river Kaveri, in the Chamarajanagar district of Karnataka, lies a village buried deep in sand. Talakad is believed to have been home to about 30 temples once, 5 of which are Lingams representing the 5 faces of Lord Shiva.

      The Mystery: It is believed that a widowed devotee of Lord Shiva had once cursed the land, following which the village turned into this strange desert and a mysterious place in India, where the river Kaveri mysteriously transforms into a swirling whirlpool.

      #4. Levitating Stone at Shivapur, Maharashtra

      The Hazrat Qamar Ali Darvesh shrine is no unusual shrine. The shrine is listed among the mystery places in India and is known for this one special rock that weighs 70 kg and can only be lifted by one means.

      The Mystery: To lift the rock, 11 people are required to gather around it, touch it with their forefingers, and loudly call out the name of the saint who placed a curse on it, following which the stone rises up in the air magically! The stone cannot be lifted by any other means, no matter how strong it is!

      #5. The ‘Holy’ Rat Infested Karni Mata Temple at Deshnok, Rajasthan

      The Karni Mata Temple is one of the most holy sanctums, but little do people know that it is also one of the most mysterious places in India. The temple is home to over 20,000 rats. Revolting as it may sound, one is not allowed to kill, hurt, or even scare them away!

      The Mystery: These rats, or ‘kabbas’, as they’re called there, are considered to be highly auspicious, are worshipped, and safeguarded, which is why they hold more value than the humans visiting the shrine.

      #6. Door-Deprived Houses of Shani Shingnapur, Maharashtra

      Shani Shingnapur, a small village located 35 kms away from Ahmednagar, is famous for its Shani temple. But that’s not all that is famous about this village.

      The Mystery: None of the houses, schools, and even commercial buildings in this village have a door, or even a door frame. In addition to this, not a single crime has ever been reported here.

      #7. Seventh Door of Sri Ananthapadmanabha Swamy Temple

      Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu located in Thiruvananthapuram, India. This ancient mysterious temple containing six vaults has long been shrouded in mystery. According to an ancient legend, there is an ancient curse on those who defile the sacred site. In the 1930s, treasure hunters tried to open the temple, and as soon as they did, deadly serpents emerged from one of the vaults. It was said that any attempts top open the mysterious vault B with man-made technology will result in catastrophes that will occur in and around the temple. Vault B must not be open other than by chanting. It is believed that this chamber is being consider as highly mysterious,sacred and risky by Trust members and other learned astrologers. The steel door of Chamber B is having two big COBRA PORTRAITS on it and this door has no nuts, bolts or even latches. It is just a plain chunk of steel

      The Mystery: It is considered to be fixed to the chamber by using “NAGA BANDHAM” by the then “SIDDHA PURUSHAS” who lived during the reign of King Marthandavarma. in 16th century. The door to such a vault can only be opened by a highly erudite ‘SADHUS’ who are familiar with the knowledge of extricating “NAGA BANDHNAM” by chanting a very sacred and difficult “GARUDA MANTRA”.

      #8. The Lake of Skeletons at Chamoli, Uttarakhand

      Roopkund Lake is a glacier lake located at an elevation of 16,500 feet in the most God forsaken place in the Himalayas. But it’s remote and dangerous location has got nothing to do with the gloom and despair associated with this lake. It’s what lies beneath it that scares the shit out of most people.

      The Mystery: Around 300-600 skeletons can be seen beneath the surface of the frozen Roopkund lake every year when the ice melts at this mysterious place in India. Radiocarbon tests and forensics date the corpses back to the 15th century AD.

      #9. The E.T. Inhabited Kongka La Pass at Ladakh

      At an elevation of 16,970 feet, the Kongka La Pass is one of the least accessed place in India, owing to the fact that is a disputed territory between India and China. But that’s not what makes it one of the most mysterious places in India.

      The Mystery: A number of UFOs as well as strange figures of humanoids have been sighted there, according to many reports. So much so that the locals living around strongly believe that the area is home to aliens!

      #10. The Red Rain at Idukki, Kerala

      Apart from a place with rich natural splendour of the Western Ghats, a vast forest reserve, & the tempting coastal curry, Idukki, or the ‘Red Region’, is also famous as one of the mysterious places in India.

      The Mystery: The red coloured rain at Idukki first fell on 25th July, 2001, and occurred sporadically for 2 months, staining clothes and buildings as it poured. This blood-red downpour, when collected by the locals, turned into clean water with red particles settled at the bottom.

      #11. The Abandoned Village of Kuldhara, Rajasthan

      Once inhabited by Paliwal Brahmins, the village is now nothing more than a barren land with empty houses, broken structures, & an old temple.

      The Mystery: About 2 centuries ago, over 1,500 Paliwal Brahmins fled the village, OVERNIGHT. Since then, no one has been able to live here and it is now one of the abandoned places in India. Those who try are chased away at night by ‘paranormal activities’. Tourists who visit Kuldhara encounter an uneasy feeling when they set foot inside the village.

      #12. The Tale of Twins at Kodinhi, Kerala

      The extraordinary factor about this otherwise ordinary village in Malappuram, Kerala is the strikingly large number of twin births that it witnesses. Kodinhi, or the ‘Village of Twins’, as it is now called, holds an eminent place among the mysterious places in India!

      The Mystery: Once you set foot into this village, you’ll start seeing doubles of almost everyone! Kodinhi is currently home to over 200 pair of twins and two sets of triplets. And that’s not all! Kodinhi’s women who are married outside the village also end up having twins or triplets.

      #13. The Whispers of the Dead on Dumas Beach, Gujarat

      Listed among the mysterious places of India, The Dumas Beach in Surat, Gujarat has a lot of spooky tales associated with it.

      The Mystery: People strolling on the beach hear whispers and find no one when they look around for the source. There have even been reports of disappearances on the beach.

      #14. The Ghost Lights of West Bengal

      The marshes of West Bengal can get spooky in the dark, but there is one phenomenon that really freaks out fishermen there.

      The Mystery: There have been many sightings of unnatural glowing lights of different colours hovering over the marshes in West Bengal. Referred to as ‘Aleya Lights’ for many years now, these lights are a nightmare for fishermen, as they usually end up confusing them and they would lose their way. In many cases reported till date, various fishermen have even lost their lives due to these strange lights. These marshes are some of the most mysterious places in India owing to this unexplained phenomenon.

      #15. The Visa God of Chilkur, Hyderabad

      Troubled by your endless attempts at getting a US visa? Not to worry. Get to the Balaji Temple in Chilkur, Hyderabad, and Lord Balaji will grant you one!

      The Mystery: Be it the poor or the elite, every kind of person can be spotted here bowing before the Visa God and begging for a visa. But that’s not the queer part. The fact that they soon end up getting one is, and this has landed the temple in the list of mysterious places in India.

      #16. Natural Mummy of Sangha Tenzing – Gue Village, Spiti

      If you thought mummies were to be found only in Egypt, you are mistaken. In a little village called Gue, in Himachal’s Spiti district, lays the remarkably well-preserved 500 year-old mummy of Sangha Tenzing, a Buddhist monk from Tibet. It was found in a sitting position, with skin and hair intact.  The mummy was discovered after an earthquake in 1975. It is now on display at a temple in Gue.

      The Mystery: It is believed that the monk started mummifying himself while he was still alive. Natural mummification, as compared to chemical enbalming, is a complex procedure and is extremely rare.

      #17. Land of Black Magic – Mayong, Assam

      A cloak of mystery shrouds Mayong, better known as the Land Of Black Magic, a village 40 kms from Guwahati city, close to Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary. It is popularly believed that the name Mayong comes from the Sanskrit word for illusion, Maya. Sorcery and magic were traditionally practised and passed down over generations. Many ancient relics of Ayurveda and black magic are now preserved in the Mayong Central Museum.

      The Mystery: Many tales of men disappearing into thin air, people being converted into animals, or beasts being magically tamed, have been associated with Mayong.

      #18. Mass Bird Suicide – Jatinga, Assam

      An otherwise quaint and picturesque little village in Assam, Jatinga experiences a bizarre, yet sad phenomenon every monsoon.

      The Mystery: During dark and foggy nights in monsoons, migratory birds flying over the village, dive headlong into trees, buildings, poles, and what nots, crashing to death. Jatinga is one of those strange places to visit in India that turns into a land of mass bird suicide every year during September & October.

      #19. The Floating Stones of Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu

      Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu holds immense importance in the Hindu mythology, as it is the place where, according to Ramayana, Lord Rama’s Vanara Sena built a bridge of floating stones all the way to Sri Lanka. But there is something else about the bridge that makes this place one of the most mysterious places in India…

      The Mystery: According to Ramayana, the bridge was built of stones that would stay afloat once the name of Lord Rama was scribbled on it. As it turns out, this wasn’t just a story. The bridge was actually made of such stones, as they are still found around here and are a major tourist attraction in Rameshwaram.

      #20.The Gravity Defying Palace at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

      A stunning creation of the 18th century, Bara Imambara, with a blend of Arabic and European architecture is among the most mysterious historical places in India.

      The Mystery: This monument’s central arched hall is about 50 metres in length and almost 3 stories high…but without any pillars or beams supporting it. The main hall is also famous for its unique interlocking brick structure and for the ‘Bhulbhulaiya’, a dense maze.


      The Immortal Flame of Jwala Ji Temple in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

      Jwala Ji temple is a holy shrine located in the lower Himalayas in Kangra district, typical of other Jwala Ji shrines in the country. Why then, is it listed among the mysterious places in India, is another matter altogether.

      The Mystery: The central pit of hollowed stone inside this shrine holds a flame that has been burning endlessly for over a 100 years.

      Stupefying, aren’t they? Know of any more mysterious places in India? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to share this with your friends too to see their dumbfound reactions! Let us know how much you liked 20 Most Mysterious Places in India

      Sources: 1, 2

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