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      Best Weight Loss Tips | Exercises to Lose Belly Fat | Style and Geek

      Best Weight Loss Tips And Exercises to Lose Belly Fat – Style and Geek

      Weight loss is a very alarming issue in today’s world. While people are obsessed with fitness, they are not really much concerned about the heavy effort that’s necessary.

      But there are ways which can make healthy weight loss quickly and also turn your daily exercises to lose belly fat into a fun and regular addictive activity.

      And mind you, when I am talking about weight loss, I am including tips on how to lose belly fat Lower.

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      So, without any further delay, let us check on the best weight loss tips and tricks with and without exercise to lose belly fat.

      1.Diet Modification

      The biggest reason why we don’t progress on our way to fitness is because of our junk food obsession.

      Due to the uncontrollable cravings towards junk food, we fail to follow the weight loss tips to the core.

      We work hard in gyms and other fitness institutions but all the exercises to lose weight and belly fat goes in vain.

      So opting for a diet where junk food is reduced and vegetables are included is the best way to get progressive results in a shorter time period.

      Here what diet you need to follow if you want to get that weight loss routine up and running.

      a) Cut down carbs as much as possible and go for low carb diet

      b) Start eating more Protein, as protein helps to cut down fat from the body

      c) Start having at-least 10-12 glasses of water

      d) Start having lemon and honey in lukewarm water in the morning empty stomach

      e) Have dinner with least or no carbs

      f) Workout to burn calories and fat at least 30-40 min a day, 5 times a week

      g) Start some sports activity like swimming, dancing, Zumba, etc

      h) Totally cut down refined sugar from the diet

      Try these diet modifications and you will see a big difference in before and after state.

      2. Carbohydrate Cutter:

      This will be a key tip to lose weight fast without exercise. We usually consume more carbohydrates than we can burn.

      In addition to that, we sometimes just can’t resist sweets and snacks which are added to the list of fat builders in our body.

      The best way to get a progressive start to lose your body fat is to take the number of carbohydrates that you can burn rather than store.

      This will lower the fat deposition and help you stay active and light. Here are a few tips for you to try. They are quick, clean, and effective:

      a) Cut down on your Roti Intake as this is a high source of carbs

      b) Replace White bread with brown or multigrain bread

      c) Use multigrain atta instead of wheat atta

      d) Lower down use of potatoes

      e) Replace White rice with brown rice

      3. Protein and Produce diet

      Protein products has a lot of nutrients with comparatively less calorie intake.

      You will be filling yourself with carbohydrates but not glucose as products have a different form of carbohydrate.

      Since you are into weight loss tips and belly fat reducing exercises, you may also like: HOME REMEDIES FOR HAIR FALL (HOW TO STOP HAIR FALL)

      If you are looking for a way to lose weight in one month, you should start your day with fruits instead of tea and increase the protein intake of milk, egg(without the yolk), fish, meat, etc during each snack and meal you have.

      As the list of best weight loss tips will be completely incomplete if there is no protein-rich diet in it.

      4. Eating in Control

      Why eat too much when you know it is going to backfire anyway? We limit our meals but we don’t limit our snacks.

      We don’t really care about snacks but they are more harmful when it comes to calories. Do keep an eye on that if you want to successfully cover your list to lose weight.

      At the end of the day, all that matters is the calorie count. If you make a calorie deficit, you will lose weight but even after eating healthy if you don’t make any kind of calorie deficiency, you will not lose weight without exercise.

      So this is a very important factor to consider if you want to decrease the number of Exercises to Lose Belly Fat


      Water is one of the most neglected things by the majority of people suffering from abnormal weight gain.

      Water is a very important element as the entire body’s 75% is made up of water. It also helps in digestion and maintains the entire metabolism. Uric acid, urea, ammonia, etc. toxins are also neutralized by water.

      Moreover, take 8-10 Glasses of Water a Day to keep Skin Hydrated.

      Note: During your routine exercises to lose belly fat, avoid drinking water as that will backfire and may create critical health issues.

      6.Free Hand and Cardio Exercises

      Freehand and cardio exercises pack a lot of benefits with them and target belly and lower body section typically. They cut the excess fat quickly and also increase the flexibility and stamina from the inside.

      It is also proven to reduce cholesterol and maintain a stable secretion of insulin, a hormone responsible for changing carbohydrates into fats.

      Also, cardio exercises offer a great way of losing overall fats in the form of including a fat belly.

      It also boosts your metabolism rate that continues long after you finish cycling. This also puts you at a lower risk of contracting heart diseases.

      If confused which cardio exercise to go for in order to get the best belly fat loss results, simply go for cycling.

      Wanna know more about the benefits of cycling? Check this out!

      7. Weight Lifting

      A proper weight lifting routine is perhaps one of the best weight losing tips and maintaining activity there is.

      And while you may say that it only build muscles, it is also one of the proven exercises to lose belly fat.

      It will build your strength, increase your stamina, increase a stable metabolism.

      Additionally, it will also maintain a healthy secretion of testosterone, and increase the blood circulation throughout the body.

      You will not only lose healthy weight but also have a stable, strong, and toned body with no fats.

      8.Stabilize the Metabolism

      Most people confused metabolism with diet and food charts which is wrong. Increasing the metabolism is actually a completely different subject. If you eat a very light food (sugar and wheat flour free biscuits, fruits etc.) in every two hours followed by a glass of water, you will have a better food burning procedure in your body. The concept is simple. Eat less than the amount of energy spent to digest what you eat as a snack.

      9.More Movements

      If you think that running to your nearby store is imminent, do that on foot.

      It will not only make you do that chores done but will also let your daily activities be a part of your exercise routine to lose belly fat fast.

      That goes without saying that people who walk are more active than those who don’t.

      10.Doctor’s Advice

      A good doctor, preferably a diet consult will give you a fully diet induced chart after the thorough examination of the body. Sometimes weight loss can be dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. There is a difference between weight loss and healthy weight loss especially when you are trying to know how to lose 10 kgs in a month.

      11. Breathing

      Now this sounds very obvious and funny but in reality, this factor is avoided by most of the people.

      People don’t fully breathe during the stressful period of the day. If you consider breathing for 15 minutes with deep down breaths, you will oxidize more food than any other activity.

      Consider meditation as part of your daily routine where you breathe deep and long.


      Many people have a notion that sleep is a negative tip in weight loss which is not correct.

      The body needs to digest the amount of food that you eat. For that, your body needs a stable sleep, preferably 8 hours to complete the entire digestion procedure.

      If you can’t sleep for that long, try grabbing a half to one hour of sleep during day time. 15 minutes of sleep during day time is equivalent to 45 minutes the night in rough.

      This is an important factor to remember if you are trying to know the core tips of healthy weight loss without weight loss exercise.


      Most of the energy in our body is used by the only muscle that doesn’t move and that’s our brain. Playing arcade games, reading or simply following your hobby is also a quick and effective way of losing weight fast.

      14. Be positive

      Depression is a major fat producer and you must take that into consideration.

      When depressed, people tend to eat more, drink more, smoke more, and also use abusive drugs. It also hampers the stability of insulin, the hormone that manages energy and fats.

      So, be positive and take life as lightly as possible. At least for the sake of your health and lose your weight fast.

      Do you know? When you look good and attractive, you boost your confidence becoming more positive. Want a few tips to look sexy this summer? Here are the 10 STYLES TIPS EVERY GIRL NEED IN SUMMERS. Check this link out

      15.Maintaining a Routine

      This is also a much-neglected factor that people don’t consider taking for granted.

      If you eat, sleep, exercise, and do all your regular activities in a given time regularly, you will have stability in producing and expending energy regularly.

      As our brain works on the iteration procedure, you must repeat the same things over and over again in the same given time.

      Before taking any step in matters of weight gain or loss, you should do detailed research or consult your medical advisor.

      Sometimes the cause is something that Is disease and not your habits. To ensure that, double-check everything before you start your Weight Loss routine and Belly Fat losing exercise.

      Bonus Tip: 5 Drinks With Tips Before Bedtime To Lose Weight Fast 

      Consume These 5 Drinks Just Before Bedtime To Lose Weight Fast 

      Are you afraid to wear body-fitted dresses? We know you also want to look attractive and thin like our Bollywood divas but we understand that you can’t take out time for gym from your hectic schedule. So here we are with a solution to all your problems.

      Losing weight while sleeping is a dream right

      Now this dream will come true soon. You have always though “I did not gain it all in a day, how it can vanish in a day?” But, the answer is yes!

      you can have a healthy weight loss and here is how to use the best weight loss tips perfectly.

      These are the five magical drinks, you can have any of them regularly for a month to loose near about 10 kg’s in a month.

      #1. Turmeric Milk

      Turmeric milk accelerates weight loss as it is full of fiber and this fiber plays a role of anti-weight gain agent on the other hand it aids fat reduction too. Turmeric milk can protect your body from obesity as it contains anti-inflammatory effects.

      #2. Soaked Fenugreek / Methi Dana water

      Fenugreek seeds/methi Dana has numbers of health-benefit properties and anyone can have methi Dana water irrespective of their age and health issue. It not only helps you in weight loss but it also helps you in keeping your liver and kidney in good condition.

      #3. Cinnamon Tea

      Having cinnamon tea before going to bed can help you losing weight noticeably as cinnamon is a spice loaded with tones of benefits. Cinnamon boosts up your metabolism and on the other hand it helps in decreasing sugar level in blood which is the main reason for weight gain.

      #4. Lime and Ginger Tea

      This drink is not just tasty and healthy for weight loss but serves much more to your health. Lemon helps your body to cut off excess fat and ginger shoots up the metabolism and combination of these two is incredible for weight loss. Add a few exercises to lose belly fat and boom! It’s a miracle.

      It also helps you to have restful sleep keeping your body relaxed.

      #5. Aloe-Vera juice

      It is not just a juice it is whole package of goodness one can have. Aloe-Vera juice not only prevents craving for mid-night munching but also detoxifies your body naturally.

      Daily consumption of this magical drink will helps your immune system is working properly which will automatically affect your weight drastically.

      Within a week you will feel the difference, after two weeks you will see the difference and we assure you that you will hear it from everyone after 4 weeks. These super drinks help you in losing weight without disturbing your daily pattern. No need to make any hassle when you can slim down yourself being in bed.

      We hope you like this article. Let us know what you think with your comments in the comment section.

      If you think that this article is helpful and informative, please share and help someone else in need. Thank you for reading.

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      Best Weight Loss Tips And Exercises to Lose Belly Fat
      The biggest reason why we don’t progress on our way to fitness is because of our junk food obsession. Due to the uncontrollable cravings towards junk food, we cannot lose weight. We work hard in gyms and other fitness institutions but we don’t know how to lose weight fast.
      So opting for a diet where junk food is reduced and vegetables are included is the best way to get progressive results in a shorter time period. Here what diet you need to follow if you want to get that weight loss routine up and running. a) Cut down carbs as much as possible and go for low carb diet b) Start eating more Protein, as protein helps to cut down fat from the body c) Start having at-least 10-12 glasses of water
      Style and Geek
      Style and Geek
      Style and geek

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