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      DIY To Get Rid Of The Dark Neck

      Most of the people face the issue of dark neck, their neck is darker than their face and it doesn’t look good at all. We take good care of our face, we do scrub, message, cleanup, detan, etc, etc. But, when it comes to our neck we kind of neglect it. There can be many causes of the dark neck such as exposure to sunlight, pollution, use of chemical products, diabetes or obesity. But, you don’t have to worry because you can get rid of the dark neck easily at home. Want to know how? Check out with us “DIY To Get Rid Of The Dark Neck”.

      #1. Aloe Vera

      Aloe Vera contains a flavonoid named “Aloesin”, which helps you in skin lighting by fighting against the enzymes which are responsible for skin pigmentation. It also contains mineral, vitamins, and vital fatty acid that helps you to keep your skin nourished and hydrated. Let see how to use it. You may also like Signs That He/She Is The One for You

      Things Required

      1- Aloe Vera (Fresh)


      1- Cut the aloe leave and extract its gel
      2- Apply the gel on the dark neck and scrub gently for 2-3 minutes.
      3- Leave it for 10 minutes
      4- Wash it off with water.
      5- Do it every day until you get desirable results.

      #2. Almond Oil

      Almond Oil contains Vitamin E, which helps you with rejuvenate and smooth skin. It also acts as a mild bleaching agent and improves your skin tone and complexion. We’ll be using Tea Tree Oil Too. It’ll help you to improve blood circulation and heal blemishes on the skin. You may also like Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

      Things Required

      1- Almond Oil (Few Drops, You can also use Coconut Oil instead of Almond Oil)
      2- Tea Tree Oil (2-3 drops, It’s Optional)


      1- Clean your neck using soap and water. Dry your skin, make sure you pat dry your skin.
      2- Take 2-3 drops of almond oil or coconut oil and massage your neck. If you have tea tree oil mix 2 drops of almond or coconut oil and tea tree oil for better results.
      3- Massage your neck in a circular motion for at least 10 minutes.
      4- Wash it off with lukewarm water. Make use of a cotton ball to wipe extra oil
      5- Do it daily for better results.

      #3. Oat Meal

      Oat is one of the best natural ingredients for your skin. It cleans your skin and at the same time keep it moisturized too. Using Oatmeal scrub will help you with dryness which is one of the causes of the dark neck and also remove the dead skin cell. You may also like Monsoon Skin Care Tips for Men

      Things Required

      1- Oats (1/4 cup)
      2- Tomato Juice (1 tbsp)
      3- Olive Oil or Rose Water


      1- Blend 1/4 cup of oats until you get a fine powder.
      2- In a bowl add oat powder, 1 tbsp of tomato juice, and enough rose water or olive oil to get a thick paste.
      3- Apply the paste on your neck and leave it for 20 minutes.
      4- After 20 minutes with wet fingers start scrubbing your neck gently.
      5- Rinse off with water and pat dry your skin.
      6- Do it 2-3 times a week.

      These were “DIY To Get Rid Of The Dark Neck”. Do let us know which one out of these you like the most and how were the results. If you use any other way to get rid of the dark neck do mention in the comment section. Also, don’t forget to share your views about “DIY To Get Rid Of The Dark Neck”.

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