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      How To Use Curry Leaves For Hair Growth

      We all know about curry leaves or should I say kadi patta. We all use it to add flavour to our food. Also the aroma it adds to the food is amazing. But have you ever thought that curry leaves can help you with hair growth? Well, it can definitely. Curry leaves are very rich in vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, nicotine acid, and calcium. Making use of curry leaves will help you to make your hair thick and lustrous. Want to know how to use it? Come and find out with us “How To Use Curry Leaves For Hair Growth”.

      How Does Curry Leaves Work?

      Curry leaves not only help you with thick hair but also allows to fight against hair fall. Curry leaves help you to strengthen hair follicle which ultimately leads to hair growth. Curry leaves contain antioxidants which provide moisture to your scalp and help to remove dead skin cells. Also, they are rich in beta-carotene and protein which prevents hair thinning. Let’s find out “How To Use Curry Leaves For Hair Growth”.

      #1. Curry Leaves with Coconut Oil

      For hair growth first, we need to stop hair fall. An,d for that you can make your magic tonic easily at home. All you need is 2-3 tbsps of coconut oil and a handful of curry leaves. Now, in a bowl add both the ingredients and heat it up until you see the dark or black build up around the curry leaves. Once it is done turn off the heat and allow it to cool down. After that strain the mixture and massage it on your scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse off using regular shampoo. Once the hair fall stop, it will automatically lead to new hair growth.

      #2. Curry Leaves Mask

      You can also make a hair mask making use of curry leaves. All you need to do is take a handful of curry leaves and blend it to make a thick paste. Now add 3-5 tbsps of curd to the thick paste and mix it well. Apply the mixture on your scalp and hair length. Keep it for 30 minutes and rinse off with your regular shampoo. If the curd doesn’t suit you or is not available you can make use of milk instead of using curd. Use this mask once a week until you get the desired results. It will help you to improve your hair texture and also help you to prevent premature hair graying. You may also like Foods That Make Your Skin Oily And Dull

      #3. Frizzy Hair

      Frizzy hair also prevents hair growth. But, now you can easily say bye to your frizzy hair. Just take 15-20 curry leaves and two cups of water. Boil the curry leaves until you notice the water reducing to half quantity. Now when the water cools down a bit and is lukewarm, rinse your hair using this water after you have washed your hair with your shampoo. You may also like Tips To Make Restaurant Style Cold Coffee At Home

      So this was all about “How To Use Curry Leaves For Hair Growth”. Do try these curry leaves remedy and do share the results with us. The best part about curry leaves is that they are easily available and also very cheap. Also, if you use curry leaves in any other way do share with us in the comment section. And, don’t forget to share your views about “How To Use Curry Leaves For Hair Growth”.

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