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      10 Hacks  for PUBG

      PUBG has captured the whole game world. Be a child or an adult every game lover is going crazy for PUBG. It’s a battlefield game which engages multiple players at the same time and which makes it more interesting for the people as all of them can sit together can enjoy the game. Currently, it’s on the 5th place on the list of best selling game in the world. Also, the game has a global ranking system which makes it more interesting for the people as they want to score good and maintain a good rank. So here we are some tips so for you so that you can maintain your rank easily. Find out with us more about “10 hacks  for PUBG”

      #1.Basic Setting and Control

      For mastering anything one should first be clear with the basic and then only he or she can master it. So if you want to master the game first you should make sure that the basic setting is set the right way. This game is all about battlefield so your speed matters the most. For increasing your speed you can hide your weapon by pressing the X key and just to make sure you are not noticeable remove your boots in the. If you don’t know the paths well you should check the map available very frequently. You’ll also be a part of games voice chat but if you set your own chat it’ll give you the opportunity to eavesdrop your enemy in case they have not set their chats.

      #2.Essential Strategies & Priorities

      Always remember that all the doors in the game are closed when it starts if you find them open means someone have been through them so whenever you pass through a gate do remember to close it. Also, remember to collect the higher level of rifles, a bulletproof vest, backpack, healing items. You never know when you require these items. You may also face damage by fall, damaged caused by jumping from two stories is more than a high jump fall. You may also like HOW TO REMOVE SUN TAN QUICKLY AT HOME

      #3. Jump Wisely

      Safe zones are shorten over time to prevent players from staying too long in one place. When the battle zone is shrunk it’s to reduce numbers of player in the field and also to let the last person experience a tough battle. In this situation, it is good for you to jump in the inner portion of the field and keeping yourself around the safe zone so that you may not be killed. Also when your plane will enter the battlefield other players will try to attack you, so you should watch out what time you are choosing to make a jump. The best time to jump is when only a few other players are expelling the area you can figure it out by seeing the counter going down.

      #4. Landing

      While getting off the plan you should land as fast as possible so that you can beat your opponents at the ground. When you do so you’ll get extra time and it will allow you to tap the ground while you are running. And don’t get distracted from the parachute button it will get deployed automatically. You may also like 9 THINGS YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR IPHONE CAN DO

      #5. Keep a Low Profile

      PUBG makes you think in a dramatic way and also you have a pay a heavy amount for your goofy mistakes. How and when you to move while playing completely depends on your technique but you should consider staying under the hills line as you go over high grounds. It’ll help you be less visible.

      #6. Watch Your Surrounding

      You never know where your enemy is hidden so it’s essential for you to be covered while you are making a move. Getting surprised attacked at such places will leave you with a big disadvantage so it’s good for you if you scan your surroundings properly and keep an eye on your enemy before making a move. You may also like PERFECT GIFTS FOR YOUR GEEK FRIEND

      #7. Don’t Panic

      Be it’s a game or a real life situation panicking doesn’t really help. You may encounter a sudden attack while playing. It can be one-on-one or a full-on battle thing. This situation may make you panic and maybe you’ll start firing aimlessly but do watch your enemy may be your opponent is also a way too excited, take hold on yourself and use this chance to hit your right target. Don’t just stand in a place and make sure you move around so it’s become difficult to aim you.

      #8. Don’t Rush to Kill

      You have great chances of hitting other players while you are playing in a team. However, when you knock down your enemy make sure to check the surrounding properly because you are making use of a gun and it’s noise attract a number of other players and make them want to come to your place so always remember to kill your opponent when the area is clear and there is no one around so more player don’t locate your location.

      #9. Have Knowledge about your Weapon

      The best of this game is it provides you real-world weapons which makes it more fun to kill the enemy. The collection of guns in this game is outstanding. Just like in real life all of these have their own pros and cons. Just like Sniper rifles are slow in close combat and great when using from a distance. Make sure you have the correct knowledge about your weapons you know at what time which particular weapon will be appropriate to use.

      #10. Free Up Your Thumbs

      PUBG is a very exciting game but when you play it on your phone you may miss out on many features because it all depends on your thumb to control them. However, you can try adding some shoulder button and use your index finger to fire while moving.

      Bonus Point- PC hotkeys you’ll need to memorize

      Hold ‘C’ for diving and ‘B’ for swimming and ‘A’ for rising up to the surface.

      If you want to look around without moving hold ‘Alt’ or ‘RB’.

      Press ‘=’ for auto sprinting

      Press ‘Shift’ for holding breath while you are aiming.

      Hold ‘Shift + Left Ctrl’ to get a hold on a motorbike in the air.

      These were PUBG tips for you and we hope you’ll find them helpful while playing the game. If you know some more secrets related to the game then don’t forget to share them with us. Also, let us know your views about “10 hacks for PUBG”



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