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      What Your Birth Date Says About Your Personality

      Scientist and Statistic both have confirmed that the date of your birth can influence your character, career, life choices and even your love life. Do you want to know what your birth date has to say about you? Well, we are here with some question. All you need to do is answer these questions and in the end, you’ll know “What Your Birth Date Says About Your Personality”. So are you ready for some fun? Come with us to figure out “What Your Birth Date Says About Your Personality”.

      # Rules

      Before getting started with the question. Let me explain the rules. Before that, we would like to ask you to take a sheet of paper and a pen. Now, moving forward with the rules. We will be asking you 7 question in total. Each question will have four options and you have to choose one option. To each option, we’ll be allocating some marks. All you need to do is note down the marks on the sheet of paper allocated to the option you have selected. In the end, you have to sum up your marks and you’ll know about your personality. So, are you guys ready? Great, let’s Get Started.

      # Questions

      1- When is your BirthDay?

      a> January – March
      b> April – June
      c> July – September
      d> October – December


      If you Chose A you’ll get 40 points.
      If you Chose B you’ll get 30 points
      If you Chose C you’ll get 20 points.
      If you Chose D you’ll get 10 points.

      Note- Don’t forget to note down marks on each option on a sheet of paper.

      2- Which is your Favourite Season?

      a> Summer
      b> Spring
      c> Winter
      d> Fall


      If you Chose A you’ll get 20 points.
      If you Chose B you’ll get 30 points
      If you Chose C you’ll get 40 points.
      If you Chose D you’ll get 10 points.

      3- What is the Date of your Birth?

      a> 1-8
      b> 9-17
      c> 18-25
      d> 26-31


      If you Chose A you’ll get 10 points.
      If you Chose B you’ll get 40 points
      If you Chose C you’ll get 30 points.
      If you Chose D you’ll get 20 points.

      4- What Time was it when you were Born?

      a> 12 am – 7am
      b> 7am- 2pm
      c> 2pm- 9pm
      d> 9pm- 12 am


      If you Chose A you’ll get 40 points.
      If you Chose B you’ll get 20 points
      If you Chose C you’ll get 10 points.
      If you Chose D you’ll get 30 points.

      5- Pick the most Prominent Personality Trait in your Character

      a> Thoughtfulness
      b> Creativity
      c> Cheerfulness
      d> Discipline


      If you Chose A you’ll get 40 points.
      If you Chose B you’ll get 20 points
      If you Chose C you’ll get 30 points.
      If you Chose D you’ll get 10 points.

      6- Which Color you Like?

      a> Purple and Light Blue
      b> Yellow and White
      c> Sea Green and Pink
      d> Red and Dark Blue


      If you Chose A you’ll get 10 points.
      If you Chose B you’ll get 20 points
      If you Chose C you’ll get 30 points.
      If you Chose D you’ll get 40 points.

      7- Which Animal Do you Like?

      a> Fox
      b> Wolf
      c> Dolphins
      d> Deer


      If you Chose A you’ll get 10 points.
      If you Chose B you’ll get 40 points
      If you Chose C you’ll get 20 points.
      If you Chose D you’ll get 30 points.

      We hope you have noted down you marks on the sheet of paper. Now, go ahead and sum them up to know your Total. Now, the result will be based on your total marks. So, are you all excited about the results? Okay then, let’s go ahead and tell you about your personality.

      # Result

      1- If your Total Score is between 70 – 110

      Although you are suspectable to depression and mood swings. The people around you often suffer from your irritability. You are determined and persistent and you try to do everything and anything to achieve your goal. Such people are ambitious and always dream of a bright future. Luckily your hardworking nature makes sure that you achieve your goals. Also, your friends are very important to you and you treasure your friendship and would do anything to help your friends. Such people love being the center of attention, meeting new people, chatting and making new friends. But, you easily get hurt, jealous and angry. Try to stay away from these negative emotions.

      2- If your Total Score is between 120 – 150

      Such people have fickle character and all your friends are aware of it. You mood change from happy to sad in a matter of a minute. But, at the same time, you are an outgoing and social person. You people are extrovert due to which you are considered friendly, assertive and upbeat. Besides, you have the ability to affect others with your never-ending enthusiasm. You love outdoor activities. You have great potential to achieve amazing results in different fields. You are sensitive, which often provoke your sarcastic behavior. You care deeply about the people you love. You don’t trust people easily but when you do it’s worthwhile. If you fail at something, you might get depressed easily. If you want to achieve something, don’t be too harsh with yourself.

      3- If your Total Score is between 160 – 210

      You are an incredibly optimistic person. You don’t lose heart even on the darkest day. You love exploring new experiences. You are active and full of energy. You are ambitious and charismatic and have perfect leadership quality. You can be stubborn and bossy at the time, but you are also very creative and smart. You are very determined and nothing can stop you from reaching your goals. You have outgoing nature which attracts people towards you. But, try not to get too bossy with people around you. If you are being too bossy, it’ll push people away from you. It’s also necessary for you to spend some alone time in nature.

      4- If your Total Score is between 220 – 280

      You have a stoic and calm personality. You and anger don’t share a good bond, you rarely get angry with people. However, you are a bit introvert and shy kind of person. You prefer staying at home and spending time with your close friends. When it comes to relationships, they are extremely important to you. You love making people happy. When it comes to money, you think twice before spending it as you don’t like to waste money.

      So my friends, how do you find the result? Is it interesting? Were you able to relate yourself with the result or you learned new things about your personality? Do forget to mention in the comment. Also, share with us how much fun it was knowing about “What Your Birth Date Says About Your Personality.”

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