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      5 Things That You Should Know Before Choosing Engineering

      More than 1.5 million engineering students graduate every year. In India, Engineering is one of the most preferred courses and over years many private and government colleges have been established that are offering various courses. And there’s no doubt about why India is known as engineering hub of the world. But the question arises here is, Does engineering hold the true value like earlier? Our students are just following it like a sheep follows it herds? If you are choosing it, there’s nothing wrong in doing so.
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      But, the picture of what exactly engineering is, not clear at all. So, before choosing it as a career option lets understand certain things about it. Come and check out “5 Things That You Should Know Before Choosing Engineering”.

      #1. Be Clear, Why You Want to Do It

      If you are choosing this field because you think it’s a perfect career option and will help you earn a good amount of money and enjoy a balanced life, we would advise you to rethink. The key to success in any field is hard work, and the same goes with engineering. Moreover, don’t opt for engineering as a career because of your parents or relatives are asking you to do so. Before selecting it, find out about it. Talk to people for are working in this field and have the experience, take a look at the course, the subjects and topic you’ll be studying and then decide. If you find things interesting and think you can do it, go for it. But, if you don’t find it interesting, do give it a second thought.

      #2. Seeking Admission in Good College is Not the End, it’s Actually Beginning of Real Hard work

      Many students think that, once they seek admission in a good college their hard work has come to an end. But, what they don’t know is that this end is actually the real beginning. Once your college starts, you will have to work hard straight for 8 semesters. Moreover, to stand out from the whole bunch of students you’ll need to put extra efforts if you don’t understand anything. Seek help from senior, or refer extra books or look over the internet. If you really want to hold a good job after completing your degree you need to prove why you are better than the rest of them.

      #3. Truth About Placement

      The college you plan to take admission in may guarantee you with 100% placement. But, not all the engineers have a job in their hands after they graduate. Even IIT’s also don’t hold a record of 100% placements. The minimum package a civil engineer offered after graduation is near 3.3 lakh per annum to 4 Lakh. Before selecting a college, look for their placement criteria, talk to the students are studying there and find out about how the placement is and which company visit the campus for hiring.

      #4. It’s not Compulsory to Hold a Management Degree after Graduation

      Recently, it has become a trend that after completing graduation in engineering students apply for a management degree. And many students think it is compulsory for them to own a good job. However, doing an MBA immediately after completing your degree is not the right option. So, if you choose to opt for engineering as your career, don’t make MBA  your ultimate goal. You have given this degree 4 years of your life, work in your field, learn new things about it, gain some experience. And, then you feel the requirement of doing MBA go for it.

      #5. There’s a Difference Between What You Learn and What is Actually Required

      Ask about this to the people who have completed their degree and they’ll definitely agree to this point. The colleges have a fixed course and they don’t update it on a regular basis according to the change in the technology. There’s no doubt that the basic you need to learn is exactly what thought in college. But, what you actually need to do in the company is different. So even after completing your 4-year degree, prepare yourself for some precise training session at your first job.

      These were “5 Things That You Should Know Before Choosing Engineering”. Hope these pointers will help you to decide whether you want to opt for engineering as your career or not. Remember, nothing is impossible to achieve, if you really want it. If you have passion for engineering listen to your heart and go head. But always remember Life is all about learning new things and wherever you go or whatever you do you have to work hard to achieve what you desire for.

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