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      5 Home Remedies to Protect Yourself from Dehydration this Summer

      Summer heat is at its peak, no matter water we drink during summer at times we still feel dehydrated. So, we decided to share some home remedies with you that can help you to protect yourself from dehydration. Want to know what are they? Read with us about “5 Home Remedies to Protect Yourself from Dehydration this Summer.”

      #1. Buttermilk

      Buttermilk not only quenches your thirst but also help you to win the battle against dehydration. Buttermilk contains potassium and magnesium; these are the two minerals which your body loses while going through the process of dehydration. Let us see how to prepare it-

      Ingredients Required

      1- Fresh Buttermilk (1 cup)

      2- Dry Ginger Powder (½ teaspoon)

      3- Black Salt


      In a bowl add 1 cup of buttermilk, 1/2 teaspoon of dry ginger powder and black salt according to your taste. Mix all the ingredients well and add some ice to it, if required. Drink at least 3-4 cups per day to win the battle against dehydration. It’ll not only help you with dehydration but also it is full of nutrition and even babies over six months can drink this.

      #2. Lemon Water

      Lemon is very rich in potassium, magnesium, and sodium. Drinking 4-5 glass of lemon water per day will help you to regain the nutrients that you lose during dehydration.  You may also like DIY Face Pack for Oily Skin


      1- Water (1 Glass)

      2- Lemon Juice (1 tablespoon)

      3- Honey (1 teaspoon)


      In a glass of water mix lemon and honey or instead of honey you can add sugar according to your taste. Drink 4-5 glass of lemon water in a day. Also, it’ll not only help you to fight dehydration but it also  glow help you to lose weight and make your skin.

      #3. Homemade Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS)

      One of the best ways to cover the fluid we lose during dehydration is drinking ORS. You may also like 5 Reasons to Start your Day with Fresh Juice


      1- Water (2 cups)

      2- Sugar (3 teaspoons)

      3- Salt (¼ teaspoon)


      In a bowl add water, sugar and salt in the mentioned amount above. Mix it well and the homemade ORS is ready. You can drink 3 litres ORS per day. Infants over six months can also drink ORS.

      #4. Cranberry Juice

      Cranberries have are rich water content, and contain high amount of salt and sugar. Eating cranberries or drinking its juice helps our body to recover during dehydration.


      1- 1 cup cranberry

      2- Water

      3- Apple Chunk (according to taste)

      4- Sugar (optional)


      In a pot add some water and cranberry and bring it boil. If you want to include some fruits like apple chunk, strawberry etc, add them to the pot too. Now lower the heat and wait for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, allow the mixture to set. Now add some sugar and honey to the mixture if you want the juice to be extra sweet. Now pot a mixture in a blender and blend it until you get a smooth mixture. Add some ice to it and it is ready to serve. Drink it twice a day.

      #5. Yogurt

      Yogurt is an amazing way to keep our body hydrated. Yogurt is rich in sodium and potassium, which helps you restore electrolytes when you are dehydrated.


      1- Yogurt (1 cup)

      2- Black Pepper

      3- Salt


      In one cup of yogurt add salt and pepper according to your taste. Mix it well and consume it 2-3 times a day.

      These were “5 Home Remedies to Protect Yourself from Dehydration this Summer.” Mention in the comment section which one you like the most and also share with us what for you do to  fight with dehydration. Don’t forget to tell us how much you’ll like “5 Home Remedies to Protect Yourself from Dehydration this Summer.”

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