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      12 Facebook Tips And Tricks You Should Know – Part 1

      It’s almost been a decade that Facebook has been revolutionizing the social network and in these years, it has expanded itself to become the mainstream social network being used by almost everyone on this planet. Facebook is not just used by the people to connect with their friends, but is also being aggressively used by several renowned brands to promote their products.

      Though, the ones who are using the Facebook are satisfied by the experience that this social media giant is proffering, but this post has brought some tips and tricks which can make your Facebook experience even smoother while making you aware of some features that can be extremely useful for you. So here are 12 Facebook Tips And Tricks You Should Know.


      1.Connect To Facebook with Multiple Accounts

      You might have noticed that you cannot log in to Facebook from multiple accounts simultaneously, but by using the inbuilt profile feature offered by Google Chrome, you can create and login to Facebook from a new user profile. Simply go to Chrome “Settings” by clicking on to “Navicon” on the top right corner of the browser. Now, go to “Users” and then “Add New User”. Give a name to the user and choose a profile picture. You can now easily login to your Facebook account and switch between your main account along with this newly created one from the top right corner. It works with Mozilla Firefox as well.

      2.Stop Facebook from Tracking You

      Yes, you might not be aware with the fact, but Facebook tracks you whatever you do on the Facebook website and all the other websites which use Facebook Connect. This is why you are always served with the most relevant advertisements. But, by using a plugin called “Facebook Disconnect” you can regain your privacy. It disables the third party websites from being able to access your Facebook component link traffic.


      3.Zoom Pictures on Facebook

      Now you can view any picture updates on Facebook in a larger size by hovering the mouse on the image.

      4.Make Fake Facebook Status Conversation

      Yes, it’s possible. Simply download the tool, the “Wall Machine” to forge the status updates, recent activities, comments, event attendance, relationship status and many more. With fake accounts with profile pictures as well.

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      5.Download Facebook History

      If you want to know what you have done on your Facebook since the beginning, simply download the Facebook history by clicking the “General Tab” under the “Facebook Account Settings”. There is a link named “Download A Copy Of Your Facebook Data” near the bottom. Click on it and you will get a zip file containing your entire Facebook history.

      6.Create Joint Profile Picture and Cover Image

      If you want to have your creative Facebook covers, then you can easily do it by making your profile picture a part of your cover photo. By using Tricked Out Timeline website for creating the joined profile picture and cover image. This website offers four effects, namely, missing Jigsaw Piece, Profile Picture Zoom, Tear Off the Bottom Edge and Merge Profile & Cover Photo, from which you can choose the one you want.


      7.Customize your Facebook Experience

      If you want to customize your Facebook page to look exactly the way you want while getting rid of the advertisements, force the news feed to show recent stories first, change the Facebook to previous layout and many more, then download “Social Fixer Plugin”. Using it, you can easily customize your Facebook settings.

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      8.Animated GIFs On your Status Update

      Use the animated GIFs offered by Giphy. All you need to do is browse the Giphy website, find the GIF which you want to share and then share its link on your Facebook page.

      9.Flip Your Facebook Status Update

      Do you want your friends to tilt their heads in order to read your status update, Simply go to to upload a flipped status on your Facebook page.


      10.Share Facebook Status with Blurred Profile Picture and Names

      Use the app called Status Snapper to automatically blur out your name and profile picture for a status update. The image will also be uploaded to imgur automatically.

      11.Appear Online on Facebook only to a Selected Group of Friends

      If you want to limit the number of people whom you chat with, then you can appear as offline to the people who you want to avoid on Facebook. Go to Facebook Chat, then click on the “Gear Icon” and then click on “Advanced Settings”. A window will pop up mentioning “Turn on chat for all friends, except..”. Start adding the names of people to whom you want to appear offline.

      12.Login to Facebook with your Phone Number

      If you do not have a Facebook username, you need not to worry as you can easily login to Facebook without using any username. Simply put your phone number in the username box and login to Facebook.


      Use these 12 Facebook Tips And Tricks You Should Know and tell us how much you liked these. Visit for more interesting Facts & Tricks.

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