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      How to Deal with Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

      Workplace Harassment is directed towards Belittling or threatening behavior on individual workers or a group of workers. These are some synonyms or the names by which workplace harassment is known by Mobbing, workplace bullying, workplace mistreatment, workplace aggression, workplace molestation.
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      There are various different types of discrimination and acts of violation that are not restricted to any specific group. Some workplace harassment are categorized into wide range but some commonly seen are emotional and physical abuse. Forms of workplace harassment target various groups, including women, homosexuals, people with disabilities and many more. An unsolicited sexual advance , request for sexual favors or other unsolicited verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which affects individuals employment, unreasonably restrains with individuals work performance or creates an intimidating, aggressive or offensive work environment which  would cause a person to feel offended, humiliated or intimidated constitutes sexual harassment. Every other person deserves to feel comfortable and listened to at a work place and also feel safe and secure. Incidents like sexual harassment and even assault are disturbingly common in the workplace. Productivity, retention, and morale suffer when such bad behavior goes unnoticed. This requires a thoughtful response as it is a delicate issue. Here are some actions you can take for such harassment and to create a safer workplace for everyone. How to Deal with Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

      #1. What does sexual harassment look like in real life? We need to look more precisely at the types of behaviors covered:

      • Unsolicited touch or physical contact
      • Requests for sexual favors and pressure for sex in workplace
      • Invitations to go out on date undesired
      • Staring or looking up and down which makes one uncomfortable
      • Blackmailing someone with sexually explicit pictures or posters
      • Uncomfortable questions or commenting about a person’s private life or body
      • When someone is deliberately brushing up against a person in abysmal way.How to Deal with Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
      • SMS text messages or Sexually explicit physical contact/ sexually explicit emails
      • Conversations and stories about sex
      • Following/ stalking someone around
      • Insulting someone and giving unnecessary taunts based on sex.
      • Spreading rumors about someone’s sex life or use of sex to go ahead
      • Randomly passing sexiest comments that are not necessarily sexual
      • Using Vulgar language, jokes about sex (or gender), music with sexually explicit lyrics
      • Threatening someone based on rejection of sexual advances
      • Rape and sexual assault

      #2. There’s a lot of language to unpack, but it’s probably more helpful to look at the two categories lawyers would in general talk about when they talk about sexual harassment.

      1. Quid Pro Quo phrase:

      Quid pro quo translates to “something for something”. So it is like “You come out on a date with me I’ll give you the job”. “If you have sex with me I will give you increment”. When someone tires or even implies that agreeing to sexual favors or romantic attachment will affect or determine whether you get the job, keep the job, get the promotion, get the incentive, or get a excellent review, that’s sexual harassment.

      How to Deal with Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

      2. Combative Work Environment:

      When there is an employee being rude or a bad boss. Unfairly treating employees, giving privileges to a non hard worker creates bad working environment. If there are friendly employees or a supportive group of people in a workplace it would help people to be frank if any misbehavior or any kind of sexual harassment takes place. To have a hostile work environment it is necessary to take actions against every employee equally. There should be no discrimination of  age, religion, disability.

      #3. Types of harassment and victims:

      1. Physical harassment:

      Physical harassment in the workplace takes place in many ways. Sexual assault is one form that is widely known physical harassment. Sexual assault in the workplace has attained media attention mainly after a series of famous sex scandals. Workplace violence is just another form of workplace harassment . Workplace violence means physical threats and assaults targeted at employees working in office. There are two main victimizer for workplace violence: criminals who address themselves as clients, and co-workers

      2. Emotional harassment:

      Unlike physical harassment, emotional harassment is unnoticeable and also viewed as being more socially acceptable.  As emotional harassment is insignificant than physical harassment at workplace, which extends the issue of emotional harassment in the workplace. One form of emotional abuse in workplace is bullying. Emotional harassment leads to mental illness at times and makes a person feel uneasiness.

      Every other person deserves to feel comfortable and listened to at a work place and also feel safe and secure. Incidents like sexual harassment and even assault are disturbingly common in the workplace. Productivity, retention, and morale suffer when such bad behavior goes unnoticed. This requires a thoughtful response as it is a delicate issue.

      Here are some actions you can take for such harassment and to create a safer workplace for everyone:

      1. You should know what is sexual harassment

      • All staff should know what is meant by sexual harassment. Here are some behaviors
      • Unwanted sexist jokes, gestures, offensive words on your life/private body parts, and uncomfortable comments.
      • Touching or any other palpation such as scratching or patting a employees  back, grabbing an employee around the waist etc.
      • Repeated requests for dates that are declined before or unwanted way of sexual talks

      2. Incorporate training on harassment in your workplace

      Where while training they take advantage of you in an unacceptable way. Then you should always raise voice against it. Companies also provide a safe working environment for their employees to prevent harassment at workplace.

      3. Make sure your workplace has a sexual harassment policy in place

      Your organisation should issue a sexual harassment at work policy and ensure all staff are familiar with it. The policy should include clear informant and reporting procedures. If you are unaware of such a policy in your workplace, speak to your manager about having one

      4. Always raise awareness:

      Awareness is the most effective form of prevention. There should always be a short assessment which can help staff measure their approach of sexual harassment in workplace.

      5. Lack of protection and support :

      When we talk about lack of protection and support we’re talking about , the formal policies and  procedures to protect victim of sexual harassment. For companies they often look forward to completing targets  creating physical working environment to attract top talent. Lack of support can impact the individuals in many way as to different and complex ways they won’t be able to talk to someone when sexual harassment or any as such things happen to them so its necessary to create secure and safe environment.


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