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      15 Tips to find the best car accident attorney in Phoenix

      Car Accident Attorney or Lawyer in Phoenix

      In Phoenix az every other day you may hear about car accidents or read about them in the newspaper and online or see them on television and as much as it might sound dreadful, there are chances that either you or one of your close family members or friends might be involved in one of those. Like I said that it might sound dreadful but it may become much worse when it comes to dealing with car accidents because of the lack of knowledge related to dealing with it. So, how do you keep yourself ready for it? What do you do in such a situation? Well, one way to deal with it is to try handling it yourself but it is more advisable to hire a car accident attorney or lawyer who is the most equipped person for dealing with any accident-related lawsuits. Many firms provide free consultations with a car accident attorney in Phoenix az and only after communication is established you may hire one of them. So this article focuses on 15 Tips to find the best car accident attorney in Phoenix.

      When to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

      The answer would be ASAP (As soon as possible). This is because any accident can have lots of consequences which may involve you making mistakes like trusting your insurance company, declining medical treatment or signing any inappropriate document or dealing with a car accident lawyer of the person you were involved in an accident. Sometimes, it requires you to file an accident complain or make an insurance claim within a deadline which may defer from state to state in the US. A car accident lawyer or attorney ensures that you do the required things on time. Also, most of the Phoenix accident lawyer works with “no upfront fee” which means they will only collect payments in the end after you have won the case. Car accident lawyers can also help you in assessing the damage and gathering the evidence and in netting the most profit from your insurance claim which usually drops down a less value when you try to claim your own as literally, every insurance company is in the business of not compensating people well.

      In case, the accident is your fault especially if there are circumstances involving anything which might have led to the accident like poor lightning, traffic violation, unmarked hazards, etc then hire an auto accident attorney Phoenix az soon. While this may not ensure you becoming not guilty, this can prove that the whole thing was not your fault alone and this might help you getting out of court settlements instead of serving any terms behind the bars.

      How much will a Car Accident Lawyer Charge?

      While there may be some car accident attorney in Phoenix az which may charge you on an hourly basis, there are many firms which have adopted a unique way to provide their services. Here a car accident lawyer Phoenix will charge you a “contingency fee” to take upon any case of injury. This means the firm will not get paid unless and until you have either won the case or have recovered money from the case. Here the law firm or the lawyer will be eligible to receive a percentage of the money you have received from your car insurance settlement which can happen outside the court or from the court’s verdict in the situation where the case has gone under trial.

      Normally, the car accident attorneys or lawyers in the contingency fee service approach will receive the percentage typically, ranges from 25 percent to 40 percent of the money acquired from the car insurance settlement or the court’s verdict. The standard contingency fee is usually 33 percent or whatever the limit that is set by the state. Yes, contingency fees can differ from state to state and also any firm or lawyers cannot demand beyond the contingency fee limit set by the state. To understand this better know that just in case you have an agreement with the lawyer or its firm at the standard 33 percent contingency fee and you have acquired or recovered $120,000 in your car accident case, then the lawyer or its firm receives around $40,000 money.

      Usually, you can bring the contingency fee arrangement that can be brought to lower percentages if the case gets settled outside the court. But if the case goes under trial and gets defended by the lawyer then he may even be an able charge to charge you maximum contingency fee, which is 40 percent. So, make sure if you have made a prior agreement with you in either of the situations and just in case you are not sure about anything that is in the agreement ask the lawyer to explain it to you.

      Should I get a Lawyer for an Accident that wasn’t My Fault?

      First of all, getting into a car accident is a horrible experience for anybody. A car accident may cause injuries, some of which might require medical treatment or any kind of therapy. It may also cause time away from your family and friends, loss of wages and even psychological trauma. Often, a person believes that if he or she is not at fault for the accident, then the insurance company will take complete care of them with sincerity. But is it true that they will do take care of you properly? The answer is no, as I have mentioned above in the article, any insurance company will always look to compensate as much less as possible. This is because insurance companies will always look out for themselves first. You will have to understand that the reason, they are in this field is because they want to make money first for themselves and then for anybody else.

      Insurance companies are in a business where they have to work in the best interest of the company by default while taking notes of their share values and keeping their stakeholders content all the time. And they will do this willingly even at the expense of any of their customers. Also, since they will have their league of highly qualified lawyers, there is only a little chance of you alone successfully pursuing your claim against them. This whole ordeal might further cost you a lot of time, money as well as harassment. Therefore, it is a must for you to hire an attorney if you are involved in an accident even while you are not at fault. There many Phoenix accidental lawyers who are highly qualified to assist you in dealing with such situations.

      15 Tips to find the best car accident attorney in Phoenix

      Now, it must be understood that for any regular person to hire a lawyer while their close ones have been suffering from injuries or are in a critical stage because of an accident can be quite unsettling for them as first of all, they may not know much about laws or lawyers and second they will be in a certain traumatic mental state. This is why we have compiled a list of 15 important tips that anyone can use to find the best car accident attorneys in Phoenix. To know about them, kindly read below:

      #1. Find the Car Accident Attorney

      This is the basic step where you need to start with your search for the best car accident attorney in Phoenix. Ensure that the attorney or the firm specializes in dealing with car accidents.

      #2. Check for the AV Rating

      AV rating ensures that the firm or the lawyer is highly rated and skilled in dealing with car accident cases. So make a check for the AV rating of the firm first.

      #3. Check out the Lawyer or the Firm’s Website

      Every highly skilled and renowned lawyer and firm will have its website. Check their website to understand how they have been working.

      #4. Look for Google Reviews

      Google reviews can be seen as an indication of whether the firm or the lawyer has been exceptionally well or has been lacking comprehensively in his work. Do go through the reviews, if any, and try to contact some of the clients who have left their feedback behind and ask them for their experience with the firm or the lawyer.

      #5. Ask for Referrals

      You can always approach your friends, relatives or even close neighbors for referring any good lawyer to you. This can be helpful as it can quicken your search for a good lawyer or the firm.

      #6. Communication

      This is one of the most important tips when it comes to hiring a car accident attorney in Phoenix az for you need to make sure the lawyer you want to hire is a good communicator as it is the exact reason why you will be hiring him in the first place. He should be able to communicate your case to judge or the jury and be able to defend it against the allegations put up by opposition’s attorney. The lawyer must be able to communicate every detail related to the case to you. Communication is also very important so that you can have a pre hand agreement regarding the contingency fee with the lawyer is related to every possible situation.

      #7. Cost and Fees

      It must be known that the cost and fee of the car accident attorney as well as the auto accident attorney phoenix az is not the same thing. The fee can be a charge which either of the two can charge to take up your case in the first place. This mostly happens in cases where a person tries to hire an independent lawyer rather than a firm that works no upfront fee.

      #8. Expertise

      It is important to know about the area of the expertise which the lawyer knows or specializes in before you approach or think about hiring him or her. Get to know if the lawyer takes the case which you want to hire him for as not every car accident lawyer could be expected to specialize in everything related to the accident case.

      #9. Experience

      Get to know how many years of experience does the lawyer has and what is his success rate as this will indicate how likely you will be able to claim your car settlement case both on and off the court.

      #10. Lawyer-Client Relationship Dynamics

      Since you will be involved both personally and professionally with your lawyer, you must clear on whether you can trust and understand him as well as whether he can understand every detail you are sharing with him. Both the lawyer and client must have crystal clear understanding because only then you can have your best chance at potential winning your case.

      #11. Lawyer Working Style

      You need to see if the lawyer working style is feasible with you or not because unless you are comfortable with the lawyers working style there can be no guarantee of having a lawyer-client relationship dynamics.

      #12. Lawyer’s Reputation

      It is important to be aware of the lawyer’s reputation in a sense that it will allow you further to decide if you can trust that lawyer or not. Remember best lawyers will be the one who is known for his high-quality reputation as well.

      #13. Professional Network

      For a car accident lawyer, it is very important to have an efficient network for any car accident case would involve testimonies of expert witnesses.

      #14. Shop around

      Do not instantly commit to a law firm or any independent lawyer. Allow yourself to meet enough lawyers and firm and look for who seemed the most confident, treated you well, and who is willing to dedicate the time required to handle your case.

      #15. Results

      Ask the lawyer to share details of their previous cases. Evaluate how much they have been able to help the client to recover more their car settlement cases.

      Top 5 Car Accident Attorney in Phoenix az

      Here we combine Top 5 car accident attorney in phoenix az with their website links:

      #1. Phillips Law Group

      One of the best car accident attorney in phoenix az, with decades of experience practicing law in Arizona.

      Address: 3101 N Central Ave #1500, Phoenix, AZ 85012, USA


      #2. Lamber Goodnow

      The Lamber Goodnow legal team, founded in 1885, is an integral practice group of Fennemore Craig, P.C., which has offices throughout the Southwest and more than 250 employees, including almost 200 attorneys.

      Address: 2394 E Camelback Rd #600, Phoenix, AZ 85016, USA


      #3. Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys South Phoenix

      Established in 2005, the law office of Lerner and Rowe was founded upon the principles of quality representation and a dedication to client service and satisfaction.

      Address: 52 E Baseline Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85042, USA


      #4. Law Offices of Michael Cordova

      The Law Offices of Michael Cordova, was founded in 1994 by Michael Fairbairn Cordova, a graduate of Harvard Law School. The Law Firm is one of the leading Plaintiffs’ law firms in the State of Arizona.

      Address: 1700 N 7th St #1, Phoenix, AZ 85006, USA


      #5. Alex & Associates, P.C.

      Alex & Associates have personally witnessed the impact that sub-par legal counsel can have on the victim of an accident, and their goal is to provide only the highest quality counsel in order to reshape their clients’ lives and help them face brighter futures.

      Address: 1717 E Bell Rd Suite 1, Phoenix, AZ 85022, USA



      Make sure you have been through the entire article in detail and not just the part which states 15 tips to find the best car accident attorney in Phoenix. This is because it is important to have other related knowledge regarding why and when you should be hiring a car accident lawyer Phoenix.

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