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      DIY To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

      Stretch Marks is a common problem for everyone one of us. The worst part of stretch marks is that they are too stubborn and it is really hard to get rid of them.
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      There’s are many reasons or causes of stretch marks such as sudden weight gain or weight loss, pregnancy, puberty, genetics, health conditions, and many more. But, if they are too stubborn doesn’t mean you can’t get rid of them. Treating stretch marks make take a longer time than expected but if treated right you can get rid of them. Want to know how? Come and check out with us “DIY To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks”.

      #1. Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

      We all are familiar with the benefits of aloe vera for our body and skin. It is rich in antioxidants properties and soothes our skin. It helps you with fading the stretch marks faster and also required vitamin, enzymes, and minerals. Let’s see how to use aloe vera to get rid of stretch marks.


      1- Aloe Vera Gel ( Fresh)
      2- Vitamin A Capsule ( 5 Capsules)
      3- Vitamin E Capsule ( 10 Capsules)


      1- In a bowl, extract fresh aloe vera gel from the leave and 5 Vitamin A Capsule to it and 10 Vitamin E Capsules to it.
      2- Mix it well
      3- Take the mixture and massage it on your skin, continue doing the message until it is absorbed.
      4- Make sure you don’t rinse it off, instead leave it as it is once absorbed.
      5- Do it 1-2 times a day, until you notice stretch marks are fading away.

      Alternative- You can also directly apply fresh Aloe Vera Gel to your skin, wait for 16 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. You may also like 5 Lies Every Husband Tells His Wife

      #2. Cocoa Butter to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

      When it comes to stretch marks cocoa butter is pretty effective. It makes our skin smoother, get’s deep into our skin and repairs the damaged cells for us. Let’s see how to use Cocoa Butter to get rid of stretch marks.


      1- Cocoa Butter ( 1/2 cup)
      2- Wheat Germ Oil ( 1 tbsp)
      3- Apricot Oil ( 1 tbsp)
      4- Beeswax ( 2 tsp)
      5- Vitamin E Oil ( 1 tbsp)
      6- Kernel Oil ( 1 tbsp)


      1- In a bowl mix, all the ingredient in the mentioned amount and heat it until beeswax is completely melted.
      2- Allow it to cool down and transfer it into an air-tight container and keep it in the refrigerator.
      3- Apply the mixture or paste on your stretch marks and massage until it’s fully absorbed.
      4- Do it 2-3 times a day.

      Alternative- If you don’t want to make this mixture or allergic to any of the ingredients, you can also apply cocoa butter directly on stretch marks. Do it twice a day and make sure don’t rinse it off instead massage it on your skin until it’s completely absorbed. You may also like Home Remedies for Unwanted Facial Hair

      So these were “DIY To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks” just for your. Remember getting rid of stretch marks completely do take a little longer so don’t give up and do the remedy until you notice the difference or marks have faded away. Also, do share with us in the comments how much you like “DIY To Get Rid of Stretch Marks”.

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