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      7 kitchen ingredients to make Dry hair Soft, Shiny & Silky

      Who doesn’t desire for Soft, Shiny and Silky Hair? And, I’m sure you all must have used a number of products to fulfill your desire even after knowing that the products available in the market are chemical-based. So we thought why not help you to fulfill your dream that too in a completely natural way. We are going to share with you “7 kitchen ingredients to make Dry hair Soft, Shiny & Silky” that will help you to achieve your hair goals.

      #1. Lemon and Honey

      Honey and Lemon both are good for your hair. Honey helps you to moisturize your hair on the other hand lemon make your hair look shiny.  Applying honey and lemon to your scalp will clean bacteria and also prevent dandruff. For Silky, Shiny and dandruff free hair apply this mixture to your scalp.

      How to Use it

      Take a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of honey, half lemon juice and 1 cup of warm water. Mix everything well. Now use this mixture to massage your scalp with this mixture. After 15-20 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

      #2. Aloe Vera

      Aloe Vera is rich in proteolytic enzymes which helps you to repair the dead skin cell of your scalp. It acts as a conditioner and makes your hair smooth, silky and shiny. It also prevents scalp itching, dandruff and promotes hair growth too.

      How to Use it

      Take fresh leave of aloe vera gel. Extract the gel and apply it to your scalp. After 1 hour, rinses off the aloe vera gel with regular shampoo. For better result, you can leave the gel overnight. You may also like DIY Drink for Menstrual Cramps

      #3. Egg

      Egg is rich in vitamins such as- Vitamin A, and Vitamin D, and protects your hair from damage. The Egg yolk helps you to moisturize the dry hair. It contains Vitamins A, Vitamin E, foliage, and biotin which are very important to hair growth and healthy hair. It also helps with fast hair growth, frizzy hair and shiny & smooth hair.

      How to Use it

      Take a bowl. Add banana (Half), egg and coconut oil to it. Coconut oil will help you to restore moisture to your hair and make them look smooth and shiny.   Apply the mixture to your hair and after 1 rinse it off.

      #4. Yogurt

      Yogurt is rich in lactic acid which is antibacterial and also anti-fungal. It keeps your scalp bacteria free and soothes the skin. It offers nourishment to your hair and helps them grow healthy, smooth and shiny.

      How to Use it

      All you need to do is, take some yogurt and apply it on your scalp and cover it with a shower cap or a towel. Leave it 15-20 minutes and rinse off with a mild shampoo. If you have an itchy scalp use cold yogurt, it’ll soothe your scalp. You may also like How To Make Your Eyes Look Bigger

      #5. Bottle Gourd

      Bottle Gourd is very rich in nutrition such as vitamin, minerals, dietary fiber etc. It’s not only good for your health but also very good for your hair. It improves scalp blood circulation and makes sure our hair gets required nourishment. Which ultimately promote healthy, silky and shiny hair and it also prevents hair from pre-graying and control hair fall.

      How to Use it

      Grate bottle gourd and extract its juice. Take a Bowl and add extracted bottle gourd juice, coconut oil or olive oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and root tips. Leave it for an hour and rinse off using a mild shampoo.

      # 6. Oatmeal

      We all are well aware of the health benefit of oatmeal. However, Oatmeal is one of the best natural moisturizers for your hair. Its properties help you to fight with dandruff, prevent hair loss and make hair smooth and healthy.

      How to Use It

      Take a bowl and add 1 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup milk, and 3 tbsp almond oil to it. Mix everything well and apply the mixture to your hair. Leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water. You may also like How to Buy Best Sunscreen for Your Skin Type

      #7. Onion

      Onions contain sulfur which leads to the production of collagen tissues and helps you to regenerate hair follicles. It also rouses the blood circulation that promotes hair growth and good hair health. It also keeps your scalp and helps you with smooth and shiny hair.

      How to Use it

      Blend some onion and extract its juice. Apply the extracted juice to your scalp. Leave for 40-50 minutes and wash it off /shampoo.

      These are some 7 ingredients which you can easily find in your kitchen. These ingredients will help you meet your hair goals. All you need to do is use them as mentioned above. Use these remedy twice a week for better result. Also do share with us how much you like “7 Kitchen Ingredients to Make Dry hair Soft, Shiny & Silky”

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