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      5-Step Guide To Clear Skin For Men

      Whenever we talk about skin care tips you’ll find more of them for women. However, it is okay for men to follow the same skin care routine as women do? Well, to find the answer to this question we contacted Mr. Rajat Dhamija (Mr.Punjab as well as Mr. Jalandhar). He told us that men skin is thicker than that of women and needs a different skin care routine. He shared with us ” 5-Step Guide To Clear Skin For Men”. Come and find out more about it with us.

      #1. Cleanse

      The one thing every guy should do in the morning is clean his face. Most of the boys simply wash their face with water which is not enough to get rid of all the oil and dirt on their face. While some use bath soap to clean their face which also fails to clean deep seated  dirt and oil from their face. Mr. Rajat Dhamija shared with us that instead of using bathing soap men should invest in face cleanser according to their skin type and they should use it daily. Moreover, he also shared after washing face men rub their skin to make it dry instead, they should pat dry their face.

      #2. Shaving

      How you chose to shave have a great effect on your skin. Cuts or burns from a razor can lead to skin irritation and may also cause acne breakouts. When you use razor make sure you are very careful and use the right shaving cream and glide it smoothly. Moreover, instead of applying any moisturizer after shaving go for a good quality post-shaving balm. It will help you to keep your skin smooth and will also prevent skin breakouts. You may also like 7 Mistakes Due to Which You’re not Getting Abs

      #3. Exfoliate

      Mr. Rajat shared with us, people think that skin exfoliation is only meant for women. But while breaking this myth he said men also need to exfoliate their skin on a regular basis in order to get rid of dead skin cells and it will also keep your skin at it’s best health. According to Mr. Rajat, every man should exfoliate their skin at least one time in a week. They can even do it every two days as per their skin type. In starting you can go for scrubbing every Sunday in order to open the clogged pores and remove the deep-seated dirt and oil.

      #4. Moisturize Your Skin

      Once you have exfoliated your skin its time to hydrate your skin with a moisturizer. Go for a moisturizer which is best suitable for skin. Instead, go for a gel-based moisturizer, it’ll not make your skin feel sticky. And make sure your moisturizer contains SPF 20 or above so that it can help you to protect your skin from the sun damage. You may also like Know These Things Before Taking Protein Powder

      #5. Hydrate Your Body

      Using moisturizer to hydrate your skin isn’t enough. To keep your skin properly hydrated you need to drink a lot of water. Mr. Rajat Dhamija suggests drinking a minimum of 2-liter water in a day. It will help you to keep your skin cells clean and you’ll be able to enjoy flawless skin. You may also like 10 Mistakes You Should Never Do During Sex

      This was a 5-Step Guide To Clear Skin For Men by Mr. Rajat Dhamija (Mr. Punjab ). Follow this routine on a regular basis in order to enjoy healthy skin. You can also contact Mr. Rajat Dhamija via Instagram , Facebook for his guidance . Also, do share your view regarding “5-Step Guide To Clear Skin For Men”.


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