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      How to Impress Your Crush

         When you have a strong affection towards someone, someone you’ve feelings for a short duration, brief but intense feelings of love for someone. Does not describe adult emotions, but is used to talk to someone about young people’s feelings. It can be an insult to someone if used for adults as it implies to the person acting immature. It’s also when y admire or envy some quality about the person. It’s not a physical or sexual attraction but just a strong feeling towards the person.So you’ve a crush and you’d give anything to get close to the person. You’re trying your best to get to know the person so here are 15 tips that will help you to break that ice between each other!Before some tips, how will you impress the person you like but don’t show interest in you. Going directly to the person to ask number or telling them you want have a crush won’t help, as it’ll look desperate. First you should always take things slow doesn’t hurry take small steps. So how will you impress your crush?

      Here are Some Tips on How to Impress Your Crush:

      1. Be confident, Be the Person You Are:

      Don’t fake yourself or to be good or different to seek faster attention. Don’t fool yourself. Just be confident. There’s much more to look for you than having good appearance. Having a good outfit and styling yourself with what you are comfortable with, is always a good start. Always be proud of who you are. Believe in yourself, have good attitude and self respect. If you have problem with starting conversation like you are an introvert before going, list down few points about yourself and wanted to know about the other person.

      2. Stay Confident even with Your Imperfections:

      Seeing how confident you are as a person, your crush will get impressed and find you attractive. All you need to do is smile and not think what others think of you. Best qualities a person can have is to be independent. You can decide, accomplish on your own. You don’t rely on others. Your crush would be impressed seeing you strong and independent. Your crush will always see the way you keep up with yourself or the way you look at your life. So always be positive, and always talk positive things never talk negatively or be irritated with small things in your life. You need to get out of your comfort zone, if you have never been independent. Try out new things as long as you know it’s safe. Making right changes and do right things, never get into bad influence because our actions states with kind of people we stay with.

      3. Wear Something that Makes You Feel Comfortable:

      I would say never dress, to impress just be comfortable with what you wear don’t overdo yourself. Be casual as possible. Get a new hairstyle that you may like take it as a reward to yourself. It is just a bonus to get you noticed in front of your crush. But always do it for yourself first, if you change about your looks. Be honest, confident, and passionate. Instead of trying to be someone else it’s important to accept yourself first. You might also want to stay fit and healthy in order to impress your crush with your styles. How disciplined, mannered and dedicated you are is seen, when you stay fit and healthy. Being perfect is not important but being healthy is.

      4. Inform Your Close Ones About Your Crush:

      Always let your close friends know about your crush, make sure you are telling to someone you can trust and sometimes you never know if your crush and you may have mutual friends and if not no worry your friends will help you calm down when you feel stressed. Seek opportunities to be around. Don’t be shy. Start knowing the friend circle of your crush. Maintain a good body language after few days pass by make few conversations with them. Start taking small steps like smiling initially at times whenever y’ll cross paths. Gradually, start meeting often, talk on text messages call often. And befriend your crush. Be a genuine friend first make person to trust you. You’ll get to know more about her interests and activities person likes, don’t make the other person feel suspicious or distrustful towards you.

      5. Start Talking, Take few steps Towards Getting to Know Each Other:

      Your crush might not notice you or find you attractive if you are shy and quite. It’s tough for people who are introverts, but it doesn’t mean you need to talk a lot. It’s just to interest your crush in engaging topics. And how you speak and start up conversations by speaking well and tactfully. Always come up with great topics to talk about that your crush can laugh on. Find common interests; don’t end a topic unless you have a common agreement on any topic. Talk about all the recent things happening around, even if it is about some recent good movie or anything. Avoid negative and sensitive topics or any other dead end conversations as it may lead to silent treatment.

      6.  Let Them Know about your Dreams/Goals:

      Talk about your dreams that you want to achieve, what you are passionate about life. Small goals, something about your life experience or something you love. Something that means to you a lot or you care about and then ask the same questions to your crush to know your crush better. Be kind to others, seek opportunities and help other people around you, assist others. Never be mean or rude to people. We always attract to the kind of people we are. Avoid negative and sensitive topics; find topics that you both can agree upon. Find common interests, list of favorite things. Think about everything hobbies, destination, places to go to, good food etc.

      7. Do Fun Activities Together:

      Don’t get angry or annoyed at small things. Show your goofiest side, just enjoy being you. Do things like dancing and singing, even if you are not good at it enjoy yourself. Your normal self will be appreciated more by your crush. Share your funny memories with your crush that make you laugh when your crush talks about something, laugh definitely just don’t make it seem weird.How to Impress your Crush

      8. Create Good Memories:

      Have good conversations about some favorite memories and positive talks. It’ll be just natural and with the flow conversation. Keep asking questions, play games like rapid fire so you’ll know each other more and get close. Start impressing your crush but be the real person you are. Show your creativity and interests.Be genuinely interested in your crush’s life. Be a good listener, which may make your crush feel about a meaningful relationship. Know about things that they care about or means most to them.

      9. Befriend Your Crush and then Take Baby Steps:

      Be genuinely interested in your crush life. Learn about them ask meaningful questions. Also sometimes give them space and time don’t keep bothering them a lot. Whenever they talk never cut the conversation or be rude to them. Stay patient with them take baby steps and small victories. Don’t rush; moving too fast they will get wrong impression which won’t be good so enjoy the time you have with them.

      10. Motivate Each Other to Achieve Future Goals:

      Always make your career or what to do in life a priority. So that you can push yourself to be the best and never give up on your dreams. Set goals achieve them work harder for your dream job. Stay committed to your efforts and work you put in your crush would be impressed seeing you so passionate about your goals.


      So now with all tips start making a move towards your crush. When you change for yourself that is the best possible version of you. Take care of yourself; keep clean, smell great, stay fit. Go start up a conversation and be good friends let your trust ensure you that you will be the best and then be true and genuine friend and they go after few months make a move for a date.

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